World Heritage Sites and Preserves in Alaska and the Yukon
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U.N. International Parks and Biosphere Preserves
World Heritage Sites System
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"sites of outstanding universal value"
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The following International Parks form a vast 25 million acre
U.N. World Heritage Wilderness Preserves Site

GLACIER BAY National Park and Preserve (U.S)

Proclaimed Glacier Bay National Monument Feb. 25, 1925, it was established as a National Park and Preserve Dec. 2, 1980. There were boundary changes: April 18, 1939; March 31, 1955; and December 1, 1978. Wilderness designated Dec. 2, 1980. Designated a Biosphere Reserve 1986. Designated a (UNESCO) World Heritage Site in 1992.

WRANGELL - ST. ELIAS National Park and Preserve (U.S)

Proclaimed as Wrangell-St. Elias National Monument Dec. 1,1978; established as a national park and preserve Dec. 2, 1980. Wilderness designated Dec. 2, 1980. Designated a World Heritage Site Oct. 24,1979.

KLUANE National Park and Preserve (Canada)

In 1972, 22,015 was proclaimed as Kluane National Park & Reserve pending settlement of Yukon Native Land Claims. Champagne/Aishihik First Nations are involved as co-managers of Kluane National Park & Reserve, as negotiated in the Yukon Indian Land Claim Settlement of 1995. Negotiations continue with the Kluane National Park & Reserve First Nation. Kluane National Park headquarters is located in Haines Junction and the park is known as the "Crown Jewel" of the Canadian National Park System.

TATSHENSHINI-ALSEK Park and Preserve (Canada)

The recently created Tatshenshini-Alsek Provincial Park and Preserve (British Columbia, Canada) connected the other three parks into a vast contiguous system. It was joined as a World Heritage Site with Kluane N.P. and the two U.S. Parks.


Denali National Park and Preserve was established as Mt. McKinley National Park on Feb. 26, 1917. The Park was designated an international U.N. Biosphere Reserve in 1976. The original park was designated a wilderness area and incorporated into Denali National Park and Preserve in 1980.

John Muir's Legacy, the Glacier Bay/Tatshenshini-Alsek/Kluane/Wrangell-St.Elias United Nations World Heritage Site

At 25 million acres (approximately the size of the state of Maine in the US), this world heritage site is one of the largest protected areas in the world.

A program of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the World Heritage Program represents a collection of sites of exceptional interest and universal value to all mankind.

The World Heritage Convention has been ratified by some 147 nations, and recognizes those sites of "outstanding universal value" to all the citizens of the world, not just the countries in which they may be located. The convention conducts business through a World Heritage Committee, consisting of 21 nations elected by the State Parties to the World Heritage Convention. By ratifying the Convention, a government voluntarily agrees to protect, and preserve world heritage sites. To be inscribed as a World Heritage Site, an area must meet several criteria which define "outstanding universal value." As acknowledged by the Committee.

Immediately westward is the majestic Alaska Range with the great Denali National Park and U.N. Biosphere Preserve (U.S) including Mt. Denali the highest peak in North America and a vast "Serengeti-like" wildlife range.

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[ Copyright Alaska eCommerce Online | P.O. Box 387 Haines, Alaska | Tel: 1-907 766-2763 ]

DENALI NATIONAL PARK and Biosphere Preserve WRANGELL NATIONAL PARK and Preserve KLUANE NATIONAL PARK and PRESERVE TATSHENSHINI-ALSEK PARK and World Heritage Preserve GLACIER BAY NATIONAL PARK and World Heritage Preserve SOUTHEAST ALASKA YUKON TERRITORY - Home of the GOLD RUSH HAINES, ALASKA - Gateway to World Heritage National Parks JUNEAU, ALASKA - Capital of the State of Alaska WHITEHORSE, YUKON - Capital of the Yukon Territory ANCHORAGE, ALASKA - Business Capital of Alaska JOHN MUIR - Father of the National Parks Movement DAWSON, YUKON - Heart of the GOLD RUSH FAIRBANKS, ALASKA YAKATAT, ALASKA - Heart of the St. Elias Moutains ENLARGE MAP ENLARGE MAP test for this WORLD HERITAGE NATIONAL PARKS ALASKA NATIONAL PARKS TRAVEL Gates of the Artic and Alaska National Wildlife Refuge KETCHIKAN, ALASKA - Sportfishing Capital of Alaska SKAGWAY, ALASKA - Gateway to the Gold Rush Heritage Parks Heritage Lodging Heritage Trips Heritage Transportation Heritage Culture Heritage Springtime Activities Heritage Summertime Activities Heritage Falltime Activities Heritage Winter Activities